Bryn doesn't love riding in our co-pilot (bike trailer), but usually sings and jabbers on the way. This time is was unusually quiet. I turned around to make sure I didn't drop the trailer, I hadn't of course, my noisemaker was just sound asleep.
I never knew that eating was so exhausting! We WERE in the middle of dinner, but Bryn, being the director, coordinator and governing body of my life decided we should be in the middle of nap time. Okay. You win.
I think this is a Yoga pose. I knew before she was born that she would be a mover- climber- adrenaline junkie- explorer extraordinaire. She isn't wasting any time getting to that too. I took this picture as she was climbing down the gate.
Bryn randomly does stuff that surprises me. She is now nine months old. She can stand for a long time, take 1-2 steps, go up and down stairs, climb off the bed (opposed to falling), and she 'nose' where her nose is!
She has added toe and Jesus to her vocabulary. We have a large sketch of Christ holding a child, and the child is giggling and pointing to the Savior's nose. Bryn will stare at that picture for as long as I stand in front of it, and now she can say Jesus. I know she remembers him, and I hope that I can create a home that she will never forget what it feels like to know him. That was one of the moments that make cleaning, wiping, changing, cleaning, running, reversing, cleaning, chasing, folding, making, cleaning... worth it.
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